Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Birthday review

Birthdays at our house are done according to the birthday owner's desires. Usually it involves an activity and a meal followed by the ultimate cake. Some want to go out, some want to stay in and we have done some WILD activities over the years. But hey, birthdays are special so we try to accommodate the eclectic mix we call family. Princess is as unpredictable as they come. We have done the Ultimate Rush ride (well, she and Prince as NO WAY Mom is being suspended from a million foot pole and fly thru the air in a harness and sling), the usual roller skating, arcades, game playing, always something different. This year Mom got lazy as I needed to do the trial run of the cheesecake for the wedding, and frankly after working and being sick all week I couldn't stand the thought of leaving home. So, without the normal foot stomping pout, she agreed and we had a lovely day of fun (can you say Wii Fit will kick your butt if you are not 19?), watching movies, and eating our hearts out.

Best Brussel Sprouts! Seriously even my best friend who HATES sprouts ate two helpings of these babies! And yes, Princess insisted on Brussel Sprouts for her dinner.

Orange Duck! Seriously, what kid asks for duck for their birthday dinner? Yeah, that would be mine. So, off to the experimental test lab, I mean kitchen. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

And with a drum roll please...............

That's my girl, make a wish, and blow them all out!

Happy Birthday Princess! Excuse the lousy photo quality but I was determined to save the smoke wafting thru as a memento for her of what happens when you get "old" HA! Blow out 19 candles and suddenly the room is filled with the dreaded smoke haze as though you are really old like your mom!

Happy Birthday to my Princess! Not sure where the last 19 years flew off to, but I am so proud to have such a strong, intelligent, caring, adventurous, and wild child! No mother could ask for a better child to share her life with and I am lucky to be your Mom. My wish for you is a life of love, happiness, learning, and pure joy. My heart is full of joy for you and the beautiful young woman you have become and I know you will live each day with passion, determination, and no fear. Now, let's eat some white chocolate raspberry cheesecake shall we?

(Notice she is licking the cheesecake off the candles, yeah, nothing wasted around this place folks!)

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

I hope you all have a wonderful day and may the luck of the Irish be with you! My corned beef and cabbage is simmering, taters are scrubbed to throw in later, now to come up with a desert to top it off. Enjoy the day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Productive weekend

Well, at least I have made some wedding progress, although not as much as I need to. This weekend I managed to:
1. Pick up both the wedding dress and my dress from the alterations lady. She did a terrific job with the bustle-made hand done beaded flowers to hide the buttons when the train is down. I still have to hold my breath, but is much better than it was prior to letting mine out about 3/4 of an inch which is all the material she had to work with.

2. Made a White Chocolate/Raspberry Cheesecake for the birthday party that was a hit-so now will make another for the wedding.

3. Completed bouquets for-myself, the maid of honor, the best person who is standing up with the groom, and the toss bouquet. Didn't want to risk throwing Princess's real one as she has decided on a long arm bouquet with only a few stems. They turned out pretty well. Threw together a couple of mixed centerpieces with the left over. Lots more to make.

4. Filled the tulle circles with the hot pink confetti. Used a mix of white/pink/brown circles but now wish had stuck to the brown. The light pink circle looks more dirty white against the others but oh well. Bought this crazy Eco friendly, biodegradable confetti- looks more like flakes of hot pink Styrofoam and doesn't throw real great (had to give it a try in the kitchen). I got it because it is supposed to dissolve in water so after we aren't picking up tiny confetti for years in the yard. Here's the kicker-it really does dissolve! Although the small amount I tried left kind of a slick film in the glass-note to self-don't wet down anywhere you want to walk while the stuff is still wet!

5. Decided we are going with the chairs and table mismatched mess we can borrow and use from here rather than rent. The money has flown out the window and it has to stop somewhere. Will it look tacky, yes. At this point I frankly don't care.

6. Bought another cake pan and did some research for some cake recipes. Now have to get the time to get the darn things made and frozen asap.

7. Bought a nice western suit jacket, new brown jeans, hot pink shirt, and brown silk tie with tiny silver horseshoes on it for Prince Charming to wear walking her down the aisle. He will look so handsome I can hardly wait. She will freak if she sees the horseshoes, so saving it for the last second of-oh by the way kind of deal.

8. My son says he is coming now, will hold my breath til I see the whites of his eyes but gotta trust that he will.

So, now that I look, OMG-I have to get a move on here people. We are struggling with the blue part of the equation. Any brillian ideas out there? She is wearing a new dress, borrowing my mom's diamond earrings, will tie the antque locket my mother had her photo and my dad in to her bouquet. We are stumped on the blue. She doesn't want a blue garter or underwear. Her hair is going to be spotlight with the veil and tiara but no way to affix anything to them anyway. I am running out of creative ideas here folks.