Ramblings, reflections, and general nonsense to share.
Reflections by friends of
8:32 AM
Friend reflections
Oh My-lanta! I seriously have neglected this little corner of my world haven't I? So sorry and hope this finds everyone healthy and happy. So much has happened I have no clue how to sum it all up, so instead I shall just carry on as if I had my act together.
Fall has finally arrived in our little corner of the world. My majestic tree in the yard went from a glorious supple green to shriveled black overnight. Just once I crave to see some beautiful fall color appear instead of this sudden death we so often experience. Ironically we have already had two snowfalls this year, but not such cold until now. I will miss the brilliant warmth of the sun. Cold is frankly not my cup of tea.
Last week we were delighted to share the 1st birthday milestone with our sweet little Princess and her parents. I have no clue how it came to be that she is already past a year old, walking, talking, and pure daredevil.We also learned the same day that this little Princess will be the big sister to another Princess in March 2012! This rather complicates the postings so it appears new names are in order for all the girls lol!
May you all have a wonderful day filled with much happiness and love.
Reflections by friends of
12:24 PM
Friend reflections
Labels: children, Family life, holidays, Memories
As I write the dreaded white stuff is piling up outside my door and making mayhem of the local roadways. Blogger won't let me share photos today, so you will have to take my word for it instead :(. My plans were to finish my Christmas shopping tonight, however I will wait and take my chances next week in the floods that are expected instead.
I still have all my Christmas baking, candy making, and general kitchen mess to do so it will happen this weekend instead. Can already smell that peanut brittle and fudge can't you? Hoping to get a few dozen rolls in the freezer too if I get time.
Mostly have the presents wrapped except for those last minute items currently showing in transit tracking numbers but still have stocking shopping left to do. Think I will go the Dollar Store route this year for something a bit easier on the pocket book.
We have a new housemate for a indefinite period of time as Prince's daughter has moved in with us. Not exactly what I had in mind, but what's a girl to do? Will muddle through one way or another.
The new baby Princess is growing like a weed, already up to 10.5lb and had her first shots with Mom shedding more tears than baby. She LOVES the lights and all the sparkle at Grammy's house so that helps a bit with the lacking Christmas spirit here for sure. Prince and his new wife are flying in next week, which will be a surprise for Princess as she was told they couldn't afford to fly this year. Rotten liars we are, but it will make our Christmas a bit more special.
In case I get lost in a drift, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. May you be surrounded by love, peace, warmth, and safety wherever you are this season!
Reflections by friends of
2:14 PM
1 Friend reflections
Labels: Christmas, Family life, holidays
Wishing everyone a fabulous holiday filled with family, love, food, and fun. We are off to a funeral so have postponed our celebration for this year. I am very thankful for the wonderful friends this blog has allowed me to have in my life. I am extremely grateful for my wonderful family and am truly blessed.
Reflections by friends of
1:07 PM
Friend reflections
Labels: holidays
Holy time warp Batman! Where has the time gone? Well, perhaps these will give you a tiny clue of what is happening around the old Gazing Ball homestead.
First of all was my son's wedding in July. Yeah, I know its already October, but I don't recover like I used to ya know?
Here are my beautiful babies (complete with one on the way). Clean up purdy good for kids I think. No one can rock camo at a wedding like my son!
The entire gang for the obligatory photo session, but frankly they are boring. We do better if you don't stick us in a line up.
Sealed with a kiss! The outdoor ceremony went off without a hitch. All the hard work on the flowers made it a color extravaganza! All in all, it was amazing and the couple is happily living the married life.
Now, if that weren't enough excitement for one year, hold on to your hats. Let me introduce you to our new family member! Welcome Miss Summer!
So, I'll spare you the gory details for the zillion other reasons I have been absent. Maybe life will settle into a dull roar shortly. Hope everyone is enjoying fall and is ready for a wicked Halloween as well!
Reflections by friends of
3:02 PM
Friend reflections
Labels: children, fall, Family life, Memories, wedding
Well, it's official. I now have two adult married children. Seems like this day was always just a far away thought.
Now, how I have managed for 6 days on only a total of 12 hours sleep and over 2200 miles of driving is beyond me. Let's just say that my focus is a bit fuzzy, so excuse me while I run off for a nap!
Reflections by friends of
2:50 PM
1 Friend reflections
Labels: Family life, Memories, wedding
So sorry to appear to have dropped off the map everyone. The last few months have been total chaos with no end in sight. I left my old job, started a new one, and am frantically doing last minute preparations for my son's wedding next weekend. I will be out of touch for awhile, but still try to swing by and read others as I can. Forgive me if I don't take time to comment while I am there. Hope everyone is having a terrific summer!
Reflections by friends of
2:16 PM
Friend reflections
Labels: children, Family life, Memories, wedding