Friday, March 28, 2008

Affairs of the heart

Prince Charming is now causing his usual state of chaos. He is now scheduled for a angiogram on Tuesday to see if one of his arteries are blocked causing his recent chest pain and other symptoms. The doctor was rather perplexed by some new developments on his battery of tests that he has had the last week, so will be interesting to see what they can find.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Not for the faint of heart-seriously you may want to look away if you value your sanity

1. The first few moments after the Princess returned from her adventure to the tattoo parlor.
2. After the bandage was removed.
3. The belly ring.
And she wonders why I am so old.........................................................

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter aftermath

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday. Our family had a rather quiet day at home with far too much food to go around. This years menu included a rather eclectic mix but was delicious if I do say so myself. We enjoyed some pinapple ham, stuffing, macaroni salad, sauted asparagus with bacon, and deviled eggs. Cocktails were a home recipe for sparkling strawberry drinks that were WAY too good. Desert was a total sugar fest of coconut cake that brought rave reviews.
We even had our own entertainment hour of egg delights. The Princess was too lazy to dye eggs this year, so instead of the usual egg hunt, we substituted a egg toss instead. We did much better than expected although the eggs did eventually break. Our backyard is rather small, so we were unable to go for distance tosses and had to compensate for height instead. We had to call it quits when the sun was going down and one of the eggs found its way into the side of the swamp cooler. Yeah, not pretty but we had a good time anyway.

The eggs on the table were a sneaky find. They are real egg shells that are stuffed with small confetti. Used as place cards, and we orginally planned to add to the egg toss mix. Well, that was not a good choice. They were so darn hard I have a welt on my arm where the Princess made a direct hit and the egg did not break! We had to crush them to get the darn confetti out! Oh well, live and learn.

Have a great week, tons of work including travel for me this week.