I do not even know how to begin. Too many emotions raging right now so I likely shouldn't even be writing here. So forgive me if I just keep this short and sweet.
DO NOT EVER fall for a phone call, letter, or email informing you of winning a massive prize payout!!!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY when they tell you the prize delivery requires you to wire or provide them with money to collect. Yes, my Prince has fallen for this scam. Several thousand dollars later, here we are while he is contacting authorities, cancelling his highjacked cards, speaking to authorities, etc, etc, etc. My repeated warnings to him, proof printed from the internet, NOTHING got thru to him except their promises of a large payout. I'm trying to be a kind supportive wife, but right now I am in too much shock to do anything. My mother always said if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Well, I'm just speechless.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Reflections by friends of
2:45 PM
1 Friend reflections
Labels: Family life
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Help! I've "fallen" and can't get up!
Where shall we begin? OK, most sane people start at the front door, so for that reason I'll start there. Well, sort of. See, if I showed you what my front porch REALLY looks like right now, you'd run and never return. So instead, I'll show you the front door, after you are safely in my entryway. Well, not really an entryway, more like a slice of linoleum about 3 foot square overflowing with coats and tools and hats.... ANYWAY
Just a step ahead will lead you to the door from the house to the garage. See that hook? I put it up 13 years ago for my Christmas wreath as the space between our solid and screen doors on the front will not accommodate a wreath there, so I go for this spot instead. Well, Prince promptly claimed it as his hat rack so that baby stays there 24/7/365. Yeah, we have a 6 hook hat rack less than 6 inches from this door, and a massive coat rack about two steps left. Never marry a cowboy, I'm just saying, the hat is usually the deal breaker. If you don't have a proper hook, he WILL use your lampshade whether you want him to or not.
Here is a close up of the cloche. Say hello to Max the mouse. Caught him trying to steal my pomegranate. Teach him to mess up my display. Wanna know a secret? See that dried pomegranate under there? Well, it was one I bought several years ago when I made large batches of pomegranate jelly for Christmas gifts. That one was extra and I was going to use for garnish in some drinks. Then Prince bought some apples etc, and this baby got buried in the glass fruit bowl I have out. By the time we reached him, well OK, when I noticed the blue fuzz on the apples and went to pitch them, I discovered this little gem, petrified and glorious! See, neglected food items=home decor! This gem has to be at least 6 years old now, hard as a rock, and going strong!
Now, for the men in my life, I've added a touch to the back of the toilet tank for viewing pleasure. Again, forgive the blur as I had 4 cats insisting they wanted to help and were banging themselves on my elbows. 12 shots later, this is as good as it gets. Sorry.
OK, back down the hall and into the living room. I'd show you around, but its a mess. Here's a peak at my giant brandy snifter on my mantle. IF I ever put away all the boxes in front of the fireplace, I'll show you the whole deal with my way cool fiber optic tree.
Here is a closer look at the side of the basket for your viewing pleasure.
Again, every line, every fence piece, every hay piece, the birds, the pumpkins, the apples are all carved for 3D effects. The man is an artist in every sense of the word. He has a variety of pieces, angels, Christmas, Disney, you name it. QVC has quite a selection, and their prices for his pieces are very reasonable. Yes, I am a QVC junkie, but I have seen some of these in galleries, and they beat the prices hands down.
Reflections by friends of
6:01 AM
Friend reflections
Labels: fall, home decor
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Plane! The Plane!
September in my city is packed every weekend with a wide variety of activities for all interests. The past weekend happened to be tailor made for race and airplane enthusiasts. Normally, a plane flying overhead commands only the briefest glance up. This weekend however, whether you like them or not, the world comes to a stop for several hours during the air races. Mostly because we live DIRECTLY in the flight path to a small airfield just down the road. So the roaring thunder of all sizes and shapes of planes makes my windows rattle and has caused some involuntary ducking by more than one family member as they whiz by and I swear you can feel the air disturbances.
Each year one of the large military teams is featured, and this year was the Blue Angels. Airshow viewing requires some strategic seating, especially those of us who are too cheap to by tickets for the show.
Welcome to our theater, may I support your ladder for you mam? Please remain seated during the show, we are not responsible for any falls that may occur due to stupidity! Notice the son-in-law perched rooftop? Yes Virginia, we are rednecks and proud of it! And yes, that is Bud Light in his hand!
The Blue Angels are a magnificent precision team, executing jaw dropping maneuvers, most of which make me nauseated just to watch. Right side up, upside down, sideways, they do it all at top speeds! Notice in the one above, the smoke trail in the circle? Well look directly to the top of the circle on the left and you see a straight line? Yeah, the large group makes the circle, while one pilot heads straight up, then falls straight back down. Yikes! If you also look REALLY close you see two little heads on the roof next to us. See, redneck neighbors too!
Now, most of you will think I zoomed the camera for this. NO I DID NOT!!! Pinky swear and everything. THIS IS HOW CLOSE THEY FLY OVER MY HOUSE!! You can read the writing on the plane, see the pilot in the cockpit, the whole nine yards. This my friends is why you all wish I would buy as real camera so you wouldn't be stuck looking at blurry, bad lighting photos I am sure. Oh well, good as it gets. The hard part about watching these shows is by the time you hear them coming, it is too darn late. Then the sound blast hits you full force and they are off to the next task. There were 4 in formation here, but as you see my shutter speed can't compete with a military jet for speed that's for sure!
This is one of my favorite ones, they fly formation straight up, then drop out at a perfect spacing and head away from the field, which means they head straight for us.
Reflections by friends of
10:35 AM
Friend reflections
Labels: Family life