Friday, October 10, 2008

Finally Friday

Is it just me or has this been the LONGEST week? Geez, I don't even know which end is up it has been so busy. Now I am sitting here watching intermittent snow showers and shivering! What a difference a few days can make?

I managed to dig out the fall decorations this week, but now it is too cold and windy to put up the outdoor ones. Hopefully this weekend can do some cleaning, rearranging, and get things looking a bit more like fall around here.

I hope everyone has a delightful weekend!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Goodbye Summer, sniff, sniff

I am afraid that summer is finally going to draw to a close here in my little corner of the world. Now, I am sure we will still have many days that are far too warm, but they are calling for a dreaded high of 48 degrees this weekend and have even uttered the four-letter-word-I-hate. Yes folks, the weatherman is on my hit list for he has dared to cross into the forbidden land of forcasts of SNOW!!! Now, we always have a few of these freak times in the month of October, but come on. I am not ready for this yet. Above is the would-have-been-wedding alter spot to which we would have added another arch, both with lights and made a completely dreamy location for a exchange of vows. See those large green creatures inside the right border of the arch, that my friends is COSMOS! I must have bought mutant seeds for they literally reached over the 8 foot arch before Prince decided they were shading "his" tomatoes and had to come down. GRRR....

This is a plant I have tried twice now and this time it went crazy. It is a shell vine and the blooms literally curl up like little twisted shells, simply spectacular.

This is what I call my "dark" corner of my world. It is to the rear and left of the arch and sits up three tiers from the ground. FILLED with hostas, roses, hollyhocks, lilies, coneflower, spirea, bleeding hearts, columbine, and the cosmos in front are on the bottom tier and are also over 3 feet tall. Mutant seeds I tell you.

This is a just plain bad photo, but the best I could get. This is the tip of a hummingbird feeder. It was completely circled with yellowjackets fighting for the very last drop of nectar. Never seen anything like it.

Yeah, I know, it is sideways, but hey, work calls sometimes. This my friends is my prized angel trumpet bloom. Smells divine!!! Is now loaded with buds and had to yank it in the house to save from frosts we have already had. Go figure.

OK, so this isn't summer, but thought you should know I actually did do something crafty again. You know the million wedding pumpkins now piled on the floor with no where to go? Well, pulled out a couple and gave it a whirl anyway. I am loving this, however I know have pink, blue, and brown glitter cats. The stuff is everywhere! This one is teal, and I did some pink, but I really think my fav is the brown one. The pix I did of it were worse than this one, so will try later. Who would have thought brown glitter on a pumpkin? Seriously beautiful and will ride the wave til Thanksgiving. And Martha Stewart? Yeah, can you say genious. Broke down and got her glitter glue bottle with the brush, genious I say. First look I thought, oh boy, she screwed up with this deal, but one pumpkin and I am hooked. Just thick enough, just sticky enough, brush not too stiff, not too soft. Yeah, Martha, you rock!
On a positive note, Princess first saw what I was doing and had a MELT DOWN! "how could you when there is no wedding, blah, blah, blah." Next day she saw my finished product I did for my best friend (purple rocks too), and promptly pleaded dear old mom to do two for her. Yeah, I think she might make a grown up kid after all. Any suggestions on 400 personalized napkins in a lovely chocolate brown shade?