I simply must share my sadness over the loss of a dear, sweet friend. This friend filled my home with love, tender moments, spicy flavor, subtle flecks of sunshine, warming the senses with the sultry flare of complexity. Yes, it is a sad, sad day and I will be forever in mourning. Seriously, forever.
My friends, it is with deep sadness I share with you the name of my VERY best treasured friend who is no more.
His name was Trader Joe's Vanilla Bean Paste. Simple, stately name, completely unglamorous, honest, and true. Yep, my friend has been called to the retail heaven in the sky, never to be seen, smelled, shared, or cherished again. My heart is heavy and my pantry is in full mourning. My baked goods will never be the same again, my senses forced to endure the more costly, less exotic taste of plain Jane old vanilla. Snob that I am simply refuses to accept the "alternatives" out there from "high class joints charging over 3 times what I will pay" for the delicacy. Sniff, sniff, sniff.
Suppose there is a Vanilla Paste Addicts Anonymous group out there I can join? I just want my vanilla paste back folks. Is that seriously so much for one girl to ask for? Pretty please?