Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day Remembered

Thank you to everyone who is a veteran of our great country and to those currently serving our causes today. We so often take for granted the many things we can do, that would not be possible if not for those brave souls who have sacrificed, fought, and died for our freedoms. My father served our Army in WWII, my brother retired Navy, and my husband a veteran of the Army from Vietnam. I am so proud of their devotion, bravery, and loyalty to our great nation. There are millions more out there who have done the same, and continue to this day. Some served voluntarily, others were drafted to serve our cause. Either way, they did their jobs with pride, bravery, and sacrifices we can only imagine. They did it and do it to protect the American way of life.

  • Take a moment today to reflect on how much of your life would seriously NOT be possible if not for the Veterans and their bravery.
  • Say a thank you to the families of those left home that have loved ones across the globe ,for their sacrifice is equally brave.
  • Pause and view a flag that symbolizes our country,
  • Say a quiet thank you to those forgotten souls in cemeteries across our great land
  • Say thank you to those you know and a few you don't on this day.

I am proud to be an American, fly our flag with honor, and thank my lucky stars every day to be a part of this country.

Thank you Veterans, this day and every day of the year for all you have done! God Bless America, the home of the free, the land of the brave!!!!!


Tara said...

My Dad participated in a tae at my daughter's school, he is a Korean Vet...it is wonderful when they are remembered!

the author said...



Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I attended a service at the weekend for Rememberance Day in the UK, always so moving

Victoria x

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you have just been blogging up a storm girl. Let's see now. I am crazy about the flower covered pumpkin and everyone would really get a kick out of it if I used wishbones as napkin rings on the groaning board. Loved your Thanksgiving family post but then I read the "tribute" to theVintageNest. Lisa you brought me to tears is all I can say. Thank you for that wonderful post and all your kind words. And about that post where you thanked all your blogging friends. Isn't it amazing what blogging has done? It's totally changed my life. And it's really funny when Bobby G. asks me if I need to take a photo of his dinner before he can eat it. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
Thanks for your comments on my blog, Little Fiends of the Night. Love my critters; guess some people think we're nuts!
I live in Dayton. You?
And outhouses? YUCK!
Sweet Violets

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Lisa, thanks for coming by to see the botanical gardens. I have no idea what those long gourds are called, sorry. They sure were pretty though. Hope you'll come back often.

Connie said...

Thank you for visiting with me today, sweetpea!! I appreciate anyone who takes time out of their day to visit with me. My father also was retired military, hubby is retired military, son served in military, brother-in-law just retired from Marines also and 2 sisters-in-law were Marines also. We're a proud military (Navy and USMC) family and so appreciate the dedication and sacrifice of those who protected this country from harm and evil.
Smooch all your brave family members from this lady, my sweet chick....

Oh, where in Nevada are you??