I loved your blog.. I read though a few of the posts.. I really have to learn how to do better with mine after seeing so many others.. So sorry about what happened to you and your husband.. Don't you know wives don't get listened to we are not smart like thay are...My husband had surgery last week and he cringed the whole time I drove home... LOL...
I am a lucky lady who lives with my wonderful husband, herd of cats, and a spoiled dog. I have two wonderful children who never cease to amaze, impress, and frustrate me. I am also the proud Grammy to a wonderful girl and another on the way. I enjoy a variety of crafts, reading, gardening, cooking, and spending time with my family and friends.
Thank you for taking time out of your life to visit my humble blog! I appreciate your visit and hope you stop in again soon. Please leave me a comment to let me know you were here to visit!
Hi Lisa, it's Yoli from deep south Texas. I marked the date! God always has a way of bringing something special.
Yoli :)
I loved your blog.. I read though a few of the posts.. I really have to learn how to do better with mine after seeing so many others.. So sorry about what happened to you and your husband.. Don't you know wives don't get listened to we are not smart like thay are...My husband had surgery last week and he cringed the whole time I drove home... LOL...
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